Long-haul flights with kids
Long-haul flights with kids
If you’re flying with kids you might be worried about arriving in one piece.
And given we’re talking about Australia as a starting point for travel, you’re bound to experience a longgggggggg flight. Read on for tips from our well-travelled mums who know a thing or two about flying with children…
Most importantly of all, while pouring all your efforts into project managing your child’s on board in-transit behaviour, don’t forget to look after your own wellbeing and comfort.
Take care of yourself and the rest will take care of itself. If you are in good form, you’ll be far more able to cope with the inevitable tests thrown at you by your little ones.

Top tips
*// Bring toys. Maybe 1 or 2 new ones. No balls or anything that rolls, otherwise you’ll be chasing them under the seats
*// App with songs on your iPad or mobile phone
*// Always book the outbound flight in the evening
*// Lots of snacks he/she loves (a lollipop or two to can help with their ears)
*// Baby food and milk is exempt from the 100ml liquid rules
*// Multiple outfits
*// Pack a soft change mat
*// Comforter and dummy (if they use them)
*// Book at least one parents in the aisle seat for easy exit/access to cabin luggage as nothing worse than trying to climb over a sleeping stranger for a nappy change
*// Use overnight/size up nappies for the whole flight to minimise chance of leaks/explosions
*// Use the baby carrier to get on/off the flight so my arms are free
*// Pack your little one’s pyjamas plus a pair of plane-friendly socks or slippers
*// Backpack instead of the normal nappy bag. Baby in the carrier and backpack on your back
*// Try to sleep when your little one sleeps
*// Take a muslin with you or a baby eye mask to reduce or block out the cabin lights
*// Make regular toilet stops. Even if they say they don’t need to go, it’s most likely they will
*// Pack more sick bags than you think you’ll ever need (just in case) and pack extra clothes for that very reason too
*// Several transit flights are better than one massive long-haul and mean the kids can jump around and play in the airport which they can’t do on a plane
If you’ve got any tips that we’ve left off please let us know and we’ll add them in! xx